Sunday, March 3, 2013

Darn Resolutions

Oops!!  I guess 2013's New Year's Resolution will be no different than any other years.  I made a resolution to blog at least once a week but I'm seeing it's been about..... a long time!  Quick catch up and then on to my "deep thoughts".  Jace had his surgery on Jan. 31st and is doing remarkable!  We would like to think this was his last surgery but we have to think realistically.  He is a trooper!  So life continues to be back to crazy at our house but I wouldn't have it any other way :)

It's kinda funny what prompted me to get back to my blog and my love of writing.  A "friend" made a comment that really hurt.  To make a long story short, this "friend" said that my posts on Facebook were like reading a book.  I decided to return the favor of being a good friend and deleted this friend the next day.  I guess if they don't enjoy reading my posts or it bothers them that much, I will put them out of their misery.  I guess I just love my life, my kids, my family, my friends, and my job!  So I want to share!  If you were truly my "friend" you would appreciate that!

I feel like I am a good person.  Have I and do I continue to make mistakes?  Yep!  But I think that I treat people with respect and try not to judge unless I know the real story.  I think everyone deserves that treatment.  I have not always thought or acted this way.  I take the time to stop and think about how what I'm about to say will make the other person feel.  Do I always resist that temptation and not say what I'm thinking?  NOPE!!  It's just too tempting sometimes.  Oops!

Sometimes it takes something to happen in your life to make you look at yourself a little closer.  Everything that we've been through with Jace has been so hard on my heart.  But if I have to find something good that comes from all of this -- I know exactly what it is.  My faith is stronger now that it ever has been.  I know that no matter what - God is right beside me and will get me through whatever He brought to me.  I accept His challenges and look at them as a way to become stronger.

So, I'm not rambling now.  If you don't like my ramblings, I apologize but not really :)


  1. Jenn, this is such a great format to share your family and goings-on! I, for one, LOVE reading about what's going on in your life, whether it's here or on FB. Good call on deleting that person; who needs it?!
    So happy that the little man is doing so well; he comes from good, tough stock. You should be proud!
    Keep writing, girl!

  2. Yeah Jenn! Keep the blogs coming!
