Sunday, October 27, 2013


Amazing how 24 hours with life long friends can leave you feeling completely and totally refreshed!  I met up with 4 of my best friends from HS last night for a "slumber party".  And thank to technology, we even had one of our friends join us via Skype from Arizona.   It always amazes me that no matter how long it's been since we've seen each other or talked, we always pick up right where we left off.  I have no doubt that these ladies will always be a part of my life and that they will forever be there for me when needed.

We shared a lot of laughs (ALOT), advice, stories, pictures, good food, and bottles of wine.  I have no doubt that we could have stayed there for another 3 days and not ran out of things to talk and laugh about.  We even made it past midnight - impressive for 40 year olds, huh?!?!  We all agreed before we left today that no matter how crazy, busy our lives are -- we will make this a new annual tradition.  Life is too short and you never know what may happen.  I walked away feeling refreshed, blessed, and loved!  Thanks, ladies, for being YOU!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

What a Week!!

To say that this last week or so has been an emotional roller coaster may be a slight understatement!  So hard to believe how ones life can have so much sadness and happiness in a short period of time.

It all started with the heart break of a young man who is SO special to us.  It's so hard when there's nothing we could do but comfort and console.  So much pressure for such young people.

We enjoyed a great Labor Day weekend with our friends and family.  Helping out by working in the Little League concession stand, then playing in the bags tournament, and taking my turn in the dunk tank to help out the newly formed GT Dance Team.  Finished the night with supper with great friends! I didn't make it to the street dance because I had no voice.  Too much cheering the night before :)

Labor Day Monday started off great!  It was Jace's 2nd birthday and the house was all ready for his big party.  I ran a complete 5K that morning.  When I finished, I went back and finished again with an amazing young man who has taken control of his life by getting himself healthy.  It was his first 5K and I was honored to cross the finish line with him.  A couple of minutes later, I gathered my things and saw that my mom had tried to call me twice.  I didn't even need to call her back - I knew what she had to tell me.  Our family had lost an amazing man that morning - Uncle Patrick.  Even though you know that it's coming, it's never easy to accept.  Finished the day with Jace's party with our families and then some rides at the carnival.

Tuesday night was amazing!  We surprised a dear friend who has terminal cancer.  We picked her and her daughter up at their house in a limo, enjoyed a nice ride around the lake, and then headed for a spa night full of pampering.  It was so fun to spend time with Gayle and see the smile on her face.  I hope that we made many more memories for her and Molli both.

Took off Thursday to head to Des Moines for Pat's wake and funeral.  So many great memories of a man who brought a smile to your face and always made you laugh with a joke or a story.  We shed tears but we laughed which is exactly what he would have wanted.  Standing in the back of the church at the end of his funeral surrounded by the Bormann family and hearing "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" is something that I will never forget.  You could feel his presence there looking down on all of us.

And then last night we threw a surprise 25th Anniversary party for my sister and brother in law.  It was so much fun to see the surprise on their faces and also the smiles on everyone else's faces as well.  Enjoyed a great night of celebrating with family and friends.  Maybe even a little singing and dancing mixed in there!

So, when I stop and reflect on this last week, there are so many things that stand out.  First of all, faith always comes first.  But right behind that is FAMILY!  I am so blessed to be surrounded by an amazing family - and I am truly surrounded by it!  The priest at the funeral talked about dealing with good times and also adversity and how it makes us who we are.  I have NO doubt that my family will always be there for me and me for them as well.  A special young man's words will stick with me for a long time.  "Thanks for being there.  I just needed to be with my family."

Another thing important to Janet & Patrick was their life long friendships and their loyalty to these friendships.  I, too, am truly blessed to have friends that I know will be my life long friends!  I am so fortunate to have family that are also some of my best friends.  And others who are like family by always being there for me - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.

So, although it's been a roller coaster ride, I walk away with knowing that God has blessed me with my family and friends, I was blessed to have an amazing uncle in my life for almost 41 years, and that you truly have to celebrate every day as if it's your last.  Even in sadness - there is something to celebrate!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Oh, August!!

Well, it's here!!  There's no denying it --- August has made its appearance!  First things first - I LOVE my job as a teacher.  I wouldn't trade my profession for anything.   So please don't judge me for the rest of my blog.  I love my job and my school "kids" but I love my summer time with my own kids even more!

I love my early morning workouts with my bestie on MWF and my BURST sessions with other amazing friends on T and Th!  I love sleeping in on the weekends on my days of rest.  I love coming home to a quiet house after my workouts.  I love that I can get so much done before the boys even wake up so I can spend more time with them.  I love that they can sleep in and stay in the jammies until lunch (or later).  I love sitting outside watching them play and seeing what they'll come up with next.  I love those moments when I'm watching them that they say or do something that makes me smile to myself and gives me that warm feeling in the bottom of my heart.  I love lazy days like today - laying on the couch watching Family Fued with the boys.  I love reading my book on the deck with a glass of wine at night.  I love that we eat some nights at 8 p.m. because we're all so busy outside.  I love having a "clean" house at night when I go to bed.  WE love taking vacations with great friends or just little trips here and there.  I love that MOST of my summer-to-do list jobs are complete.  I LOVE summer!

Yes, we are in need of some structure and routine again.  Yes, it feels great to start thinking about shaping young minds.  But until I go back (Aug. 16th) and the boys' go back to school and daycare (Aug. 21st), we're going to continue to squeeze as much in as we can.  This week will include going to see Smurfs 2, shampooing our carpets, a trip to Mankato to watch the Vikings training camp, scrapbooking, and loving life on the farm.

I guess NEXT week, I'll start concentrating on my LOVE of being a 3rd grade teacher.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Slow down!!!

I cannot believe that it is July 16th today!  Where is the summer going?!!?  Life has slowed down a bit with baseball and tball done and over for another year.   We've been staying busy with some projects around the house and outside, swimming, and going to some movies.  I am LOVING all this time spent with the boys.  Oh, there are days, don't get me wrong!  But I feel so blessed to be able to spend my summers at home with my boys and completing projects that otherwise would not get done.

One of the big projects I'm trying to get done with summer is the boys' scrapbooks!  Ugh - what a task! I got so far behind when Jace was born.  But it is something that I love to do and I only pray that the boys will continue to treasure them as they grow up.  It is so fun now to watch them as they look through them and ask questions or talk about how they remember the events.

Now we gear up for our county fair this week.  Drew has been working so hard with Carissa, his bottle calf, to get her ready.  He's been washing her and leading her around on the halter.   We just got back from taking 2 projects down for "judging".  Since he is a Clover Kid he doesn't truly get judged but gives them great experience for when they are official 4-H members.

Jaxson lost his first tooth last week.  This was the day after we went to the dentist to find out that he has 2 cavities.  One of these has infection in it so...... we go back on July 25th for a "baby" root canal.  I don't care if it's baby or not -- it's not going to be fun.  I just pray that he does well and can't feel a thing (oh, and that I don't pass out).  Thursday we go for kindergarten shots.

Jace continues to grow and grow.  So does his vocabulary!  He learns a couple new words a day.  Unfortunately for us, he favorite word is "NO" which is usually said loud and with attitude.  I'm afraid the terrible twos have started a couple months early!

All of these things, force me to accept the fact that our boys are growing up TOO fast.  I've realized that I see "growth" in other people's kids but it's really hard to see it in your own kids whom you see every day, all day.  Same goes for my 3rd graders at school.  I try to enjoy every minute with them because I'm afraid if I blink too much or too long -- they'll all be in HS or college.

Life is too short -- we've realized that in our communities in the last couple of weeks.  We've lost some dear people at WAY too young of an age.  So I try to enjoy every minute with them because I'm afraid if I blink too much or too long -- they'll all be in HS or college.  Mike and I laugh thinking about what we'll do when they're gone and we have a quiet, boring life again :)  Not something I want to even start to think about....

Monday, June 24, 2013

What schedule?!?!

I LOVE summer and all the craziness it brings!!  But for those of you that know me -- not being on a schedule can sometimes simply annoy me.  Why is it that as soon as summer vacation hits, all schedules go out the door?  Meal schedules, nap schedules, bedtime schedules, etc.  I look at the clock at breakfast time - 9:30!!  Lunch - 1:00!!  Naptime for Jace - 2:00!!!  Supper - 8:00!!!!   Bath/Bedtime - 9:00 IF we're lucky!!  My kids sleep in until 8 or 9 in the morning?!?!  These are the days when I am so thankful that I have one of the best jobs on the planet -- being a teacher and being able to stay home so we have time to "recover" from these schedules.  A good nap about every 4th or 5th day is required by all.

On Sunday, we will officially be done with baseball and tball games.  I'm hoping that will help things a bit - not as many late nights or fast food meals. ICK!!  It will be July 1st before we know it and I don't see summer or life slowing down too much.

So for now, I'll just buckle up and enjoy the ride!  Who needs a schedule anyway?!?!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Hooray for Summer!!!

Today was our first "official" day of summer vacation.  Vacation - an interesting word.  Here is the itinerary from our first day of "vacation".

6:30 a.m.  Up to shower and get ready before the boys wake up
7:00 a.m.  Jace awakes
7:30 a.m.  Drew & Jaxson wake up
8:15 a.m.  We are all dressed, had breakfast (except Mom of course) and headed out the door.
8:20 a.m.   Drop Jace off at Grandma Joyce's
8:30 a.m.   Arrive at summer school - Mom to teach and the big boys to learn
9:20 a.m.   Grandma picks Drew up from summer school to meet Grandpa Dale to take Drew to                       Explorers Camp
10:10 a.m.  Mom and Jaxson leave summer school and go get Jace from Grandma Joyce's
10:30 a.m.   Arrive home to have a quick snack and start a load of laundry
10:45 a.m.   Leave for Emmetsburg to run some errands and get groceries
11:45 a.m.   Play at the park - which I might add is RIGHT by the tornado siren which sounds at noon
12:01 p.m.  Leave park because Jace is traumatized by the noon whistle :)
12:30 p.m.   Pick Drew up from Explorers Camp
12:45 p.m.  Eat lunch and find tick #1 in Mom's hair
 1:00 p.m.  Big boys play the Wii, Jace plays with his farm, and Mom plays Candy Crush
 1:30 p.m.  Jace goes down for a nap, Mom folds laundry, Drew complains about being bored already, and Jax plays more Wii
 2:15 p.m.  Jace is still sleeping, Mom is still folding laundry (and watching Teen Mom 2 shhhh), and the big boys have set up their "hurdles" outside
 3:00 p.m.  Jace wakes up and we are now all outside being eaten by gnats and playing, find tick #2 on Jace's leg
 4:30 p.m.   We go inside for a snack and to "relax" for awhile - find tick #3 on Jace's head
 5:15 p.m.  Get Drew ready for baseball practice and take off for the ballfield
 5:35 p.m.  Return home and Jace and Jax go with Dad while Mom gets in a 2 mile run
 6:05 p.m.  Mom returns and starts supper - National Burger Day so burgers of course
 6:20 p.m.  Jaxson returns home while Dad and Jace go get Drew from practice
 7:00 p.m.  Dad, Drew, and Jace finally return home to supper on the table
 7:20 p.m.  Dad and Drew leave to go AI a cow 
 7:40 p.m.  Jace, Jax, and Mom take care of Drew's bottle calf - bottle and fresh water
 7:55 p.m.  Drag Jace in the house because we're being eaten alive by gnats
 8:00 p.m.  Jace plays in his farm, Jax plays the Wii, and Mom plays Candy Crush while hooking up wagons for Jace
 8:40 p.m.  Bedtime snack, pjs on, teeth brushed
 9:10 p.m.  Jace and Jax to bed, Mom blogs, and Dad and Drew still aren't home yet

Can't wait for Day #2 of Summer "Vacation"

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Blessed by God

This isn't a blog about my crazy life with 3 boys.....that hasn't changed at all :)  But this is more of a time for me to share with you how truly blessed I am with amazing friendships.  Some of these friendships were created for me before I was even born with family and family friends.  Some were created for me in elementary school, middle school, high school, and college.  Some of these were created for me when I married in to an amazing community.  Some were created by different jobs I have worked at, activities my boys are involved in, or by marriages.  Some of these friendships were created through crisis times in my life.  But all of these were created for a reason and by the grace of God.

After a rough day yesterday, I laid in bed last night feeling truly blessed by the friends that I have in my life.  I don't know what I would do without them to get through days like yesterday.  I know that they will always have my back (any my boys') and always listen to me - most of the time agreeing with me but also letting me see things in a different light.  They have a way of knowing just when I need that text message, snapchat picture, comment, or inside joke to cheer me up.  They know when I need them to be quiet and listen or when I need their advice.  They know my trials and tribulations as I go through my day to day life.  I even have those friends that I know will take my secrets to the grave with them :)

Friends are people that we take for granted in life! I fully intend to not do that any longer (or at least try not to).  Whether you are a friend I see or talk to every day, one that I only see once or twice a year, one that I haven't even met yet, or one that is family and you have no choice but to be friends with me (ha) ----- please know how special you are to me.  I cannot imagine my life without you!  So blessed!!!

Faith, Family, Friends!!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Life is great!!

I feel like there are so many happy things going on in my life right now!  Thank you, God!  Looking back -- I feel like a Debbie Downer and I honestly don't think I am. HA!  So here's my list of wonderful things happening in my life right now.

1.  I just survived two nights of parent-teacher conferences with amazing parents!  So blessed to have a great group of kids!
2. I received a grant yesterday morning for Reflex Math.  Not 100% sure of what it is yet but it's used by a co-worker who has nothing but wonderful things to say about it!  So excited to get started with it next week!
3.  Getting ready to start a 5 day Easter break with my family and friends!  Looking forward to little on the schedule, spending time with our families, and sleeping in!
4. Found out today that after our administrator recommended hiring another teacher for 3rd grade next year --- AND the school board approved it!!  Thank you!!  There was a lot of extra stress and worry of how next year was going to work with 28 kids in one classroom, scheduling for some split time with teachers, and having my own son in my class.  Blessed to be a part of a district that puts the kids' need ahead of financial needs at times!
5. The weather is finally looking like SPRING!!
6. I get to spend some time with great friends tonight!

LIFE IS GOOD!!!  Hope you all enjoy your holiday with family and friends.  I know I will be spending much time reflecting on Jesus' ultimate sacrifice for us.  He died so we may live!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Worry! Worry!! Worry!!!

I have developed what I would consider to be one of my worst character traits throughout this winter.  It was always there but I feel like it has completely consumed my life in the last 5 months.  WORRYING!!!!  When will it end?!?!

If you've read my earlier blogs you know that sickness has been almost a constant at our house this winter.  Now I completely freak out and worry myself sick if my kids have in any way, shape, or form been around anyone who is sick - especially the stomach flu.  It is not their fault at all - I know we've probably spread it to plenty as much as we've had it.  I just let it consume my every thought of my day. I can't focus, eat, or even function.  I find myself planning meals that won't be "messy" if thrown up (no red sauces, etc.).  I lay sheets down beside the boys' beds to avoid a mess on the carpet.  I don't even want to go anywhere.  I lay in bed at night for hours and jump at every little sound that I hear coming out of their rooms.  See what I mean?!  I feel like a complete freak!!!

I try to remind myself that this is one of those things that is completely out of my hands.  I turn it over to God and tell myself that we'll deal with it if it happens.  But that lasts about 2 minutes.  I feel like I have no control and that makes me crazy. UGH!!!!!!!!

I'm hoping that my venting here and reading how crazy I appear to be will allow me to relax and actually get to sleep tonight.  Although I'm worried to let my guard down.   I don't wish my kids to grow up AT ALL but I'm thinking it would be a little easier on my worrisome soul if they could tell me it's coming or know what to do in the middle of the night.

I have never, ever been so ready for winter to be over and for all this sickness around us to be DONE!! Let's move on to summer - then I can worry about sunburn, bug bites, and drowning in the pool :)  HELP!!  I'm a crazy lady!! HA

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Winter From HELL

A good friend of mine suggested that I blog about our winter because I'll be able to look back at it in a couple years and laugh or not be able to believe it actually happened.  So here goes.....

Our winter from hell began on Nov. 9th (the day before my 40th birthday).  Our oldest came down with the stomach flu.  Everything spiraled downhill from there.  In the next 6 weeks, both our oldest boys had the flu 3 times, my husband got it once, and I got it twice.  Jace (the youngest) had it a couple times in a smaller way - Thank God!  But he also had rotovirus during that time.  The last "bout" was mine on Christmas Eve/Christmas.  However, we had found out on the 22nd that Jace would more than likely be needing another surgery.  So, Jan. 31st we underwent another surgery to release his tethered spinal cord.  He came through GREAT and is healed very quickly!  Bad luck finally behind us?!?! NOPE!!  This week the boys all came down with coughs.  No big deal - just a winter cold.   With Drew's birthday here in a couple of days I decided to take him and Jace in today to get checked out.  I planned to go after school but a text from daycare telling me Jace was throwing up, cut my school day short.  So Jace threw up all day along with coughing.  Drew coughed and coughed.  And Jax played.  Took the boys to the Dr.  Jace has RSV and Drew has bronchitis.  Got home about 5.  Jax started complaining about his tummy hurting about 6 and he was throwing up by 7.  YEP!  This is a true story!  So 3 boys - all sick - with 3 different illnesses.  And bless his heart -- Jax is asking as he is throwing up how many nights he'll be sick this time.  Talk about breaking your heart!

So - my daily prayer book today told me that I would need God to get me through the day ahead.  Boy, was that an understatement!  It's been a rough winter to say the least.  But tomorrow is a new day, God is by our side, and we'll make it through all this with His help.

Come on, Spring!  That groundhog better be right or I will be hunting him down :)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Darn Resolutions

Oops!!  I guess 2013's New Year's Resolution will be no different than any other years.  I made a resolution to blog at least once a week but I'm seeing it's been about..... a long time!  Quick catch up and then on to my "deep thoughts".  Jace had his surgery on Jan. 31st and is doing remarkable!  We would like to think this was his last surgery but we have to think realistically.  He is a trooper!  So life continues to be back to crazy at our house but I wouldn't have it any other way :)

It's kinda funny what prompted me to get back to my blog and my love of writing.  A "friend" made a comment that really hurt.  To make a long story short, this "friend" said that my posts on Facebook were like reading a book.  I decided to return the favor of being a good friend and deleted this friend the next day.  I guess if they don't enjoy reading my posts or it bothers them that much, I will put them out of their misery.  I guess I just love my life, my kids, my family, my friends, and my job!  So I want to share!  If you were truly my "friend" you would appreciate that!

I feel like I am a good person.  Have I and do I continue to make mistakes?  Yep!  But I think that I treat people with respect and try not to judge unless I know the real story.  I think everyone deserves that treatment.  I have not always thought or acted this way.  I take the time to stop and think about how what I'm about to say will make the other person feel.  Do I always resist that temptation and not say what I'm thinking?  NOPE!!  It's just too tempting sometimes.  Oops!

Sometimes it takes something to happen in your life to make you look at yourself a little closer.  Everything that we've been through with Jace has been so hard on my heart.  But if I have to find something good that comes from all of this -- I know exactly what it is.  My faith is stronger now that it ever has been.  I know that no matter what - God is right beside me and will get me through whatever He brought to me.  I accept His challenges and look at them as a way to become stronger.

So, I'm not rambling now.  If you don't like my ramblings, I apologize but not really :)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Another Bump in the Road

Some day I know that our crazy life will be on "cruise" and I will look back at these days and be able to smile and thank God for bringing us through these hard times.  Now to catch those of you who don't know our situation up to speed --- when our youngest son Jace, who is now 16 months old, he was diagnosed with a tethered spinal cord.  In easy terminology - his spinal cord was attached to some tissue on his back when it really should be "free".  So when he was 3 months old, he had surgery to "release" the cord and also had some of his tailbone shaved off as it curved out rather than in.

So began the cycle of trips back to Minneapolis for follow up appts. and MRI's every 3 months.  In April they noticed a small (6mm) fluid pocket along his spine.  In July, it had grown slightly(9mm) and we were told then that surgery may be necessary to drain the fluid.  We received word on Dec. 21st that the MRI from Dec. 4th showed "significant" growth and was now 15 mm.  Amazing how those simple words spoken can break a Mom's heart.  This is a child who has met all of his developmental milestones thus far - still not walking a lot but doctors aren't too concerned about that.  You would never know looking at him that there was anything "wrong" with him.  I say that because I hate that!  There is nothing "wrong" with him.  I like to think of it more as that he has a flaw that needs to be fixed.

So we will be going back to Minneapolis on Dec. 16th to consult with the pediatric neurosurgeon and then he will undergo another surgery on Dec. 17th.  We don't know for sure the plan and not even sure the surgeon will know until he gets in there.  He is suspicious that the cord has reattached and if that's the case - will release it again.

Each day gets a little easier - yesterday was the first day since Dec. 21st that I didn't cry.  I try to put on my brave face and be strong for my boys.  I was brought up to be strong and not show a lot of emotion. There's nothing wrong with that but I've also learned that sometimes it's ok to be weak.  Everyone does it in their own way and own place.   Mine is a huge release of tears and I choose to do it when I go to bed when the boys are all sleeping.  It is so heart wrenching knowing that I have to hand my baby over again to a stranger.  The first time he didn't know the difference but I know he will this time.  I visualize him clinging to me and reaching for me and saying "Momma" and I honestly don't know how I will make it through that. But I know that I will because that's what tough moms do :)  We have amazing family members and friends who are like family that will be there with us through every step of the way.

But most importantly, we will have God with us.  He will be present in the operating room and guiding the doctors and nurses through the procedure and along the way during Jace's recovery.  He will be with Mike and I as we do what we must do to get through this.  I stop and think about how much my faith has grown in the last 16 months.  I honestly find it very strange!  Have I questioned God?  Yes!  Have I asked him to PLEASE let it be me instead of Jace?  DAILY!  But I trust in God and know that He only gives you what you can handle.  So instead of getting mad and turning my back on my faith, I have turned it over to Him.  I pray that He heals my sweet baby!!